Tuesday, October 13, 2009

in home workout

cant make it to the gym? no worries, try this in home workout-itll get you heartrate up and actually kick your butt a little bit.

This should take you about a half and hour and you should try and do it non-stop.

1. Squats 20 reps

2. Lunges 10 each leg

3. Punches 10 to each side (pivot right and swing right and vice versa)

4. Knee Raises 10 with each knee alternating

5. Down ups - 10 reps (drop down into a squat position then kick your legs out behind you so you are in a pushup position, then come back to squat, then come all the way up)

6. Pushups- 20

7. Situps - 20

8. Dips -15 (on the edge of a couch or chair feet out in front with knees slightly bent and touch butt to ground or until elbow is 90 degrees)

9. Leg raises 10 (lie on back and keep legs straight and raise together to make a 90 degree angle with your torso)

10. Pushups-20

Repeat 3-4 times pending on capabilities.

Should give you a good workout and get your heart rate up.

Good luck 

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