Saturday, May 15, 2010

P90x Progression and Insanity 60 Commencement

6 months of P90x completed and the results speak for themselves. Body fat down, waist size down, strength up, flexibility up, and endurance up. The most difficult part of the workout was following the diet plan, its not easy having a social life and try and sacrifice anything that tastes decent. However, I still love what p90x did and now I am ready for the next step. I recently started beachbody's latest program; Insanity 60. It's a series of workouts that take the most intense plyometric and cardio intense exercises and combines them into the nastiest, most exhausting, fat blasting routine I have ever done. I don't know if I could be doing it without having done P90x; I am two weeks in and have been eating clean and already see and feel results. Every two weeks there is a fit test to track progression, monday will be my first test. I am anxious to see the final results.

Keep pushing yourself, and never be satisfied; work work work and work some more.

On a side note; I am so proud of my wife, she is training for the Chicago half marathon in September!

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