If you can't see your abs, don't assume it's because you're missing out on a magical abdominal exercise or secret supplement. Blame your mindset.
You see, losing belly flab is a boring process. It requires time, hard work, and most important, dedication. Take the right steps every single day, and you'll ultimately carve out your six-pack. But if you stray from your plan even a few times a week—which most men do—you'll probably never see your abs.
The effectiveness of this tool is even supported by science. At the University of Iowa, researchers determined that people are more likely to stick with their fat-loss plans when they concentrate on specific actions instead of the desired result. So rather than focusing on abs that show, follow my daily list of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle strategies for achieving that rippled midsection.
6 Tips for Abs
1. Drink 16 oz water in the morning
2. Eat a big breakfast (healthy obviously)
3. Constantly review goals after eating (and write everything down if it helps)
4. Pack a lunch / Pre-pack daily meals and snacks
5. Exercise the right way (work abs like other muscles not everyday/end of workout)
6. Get your sleep